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Preventing mental illness in younger people

Managing transitions in the 21st century

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Preventing mental illness in younger people
Preventing mental illness in younger people


21 May 2018, 19:00 – 21:00

Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, Westminster, London SW1A, UK


Growing up is a natural time of transitions. While these may offer great opportunity, so too can they pose real challenges: leaving home and starting work or going onto further education. Today there are new and developing challenges, such as the impact of social media and cyberbullying. Even mental health services themselves can have sharp transitions between adult and child and adolescent services, each with their own resources and working models.

Many illnesses that affect people as adults have their origins in childhood and experiences as a young adult. Tackling mental illness in younger people is a priority for the Government and it has recently published a Green Paper: Transforming Children and Young People’s Mental Health Provision.

This meeting, hosted by the Conservative Health: Mental Health Special Interest Group and with speakers from clinicians, charity workers and Conservative politicians aims to discuss the policies to prevent poor mental health for everyone, starting in childhood.

  • Jackie Doyle Price MP, Health Minister whose responsibilities include mental health.
  • Dr Louise Theodosiou, member of the CAMHS Executive, Royal College of Psychiatrists.
  • Jenifer Swallow, All Rise, an international organisation established to bring greater accountability and responsibility to the internet.
  • Sarah Ashworth, Head of Mental Health & Wellbeing, Warwick University and Trustee, University Mental Health Advisers Network.


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