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New Appointments

29 June 2017

Philip Dunne MP

Philip returns to the Department as Minister of State for Health. His brief includes NHS operations and performance, STPs, finance, NHS workforce and hospitals.

Jackie Doyle-Price MP

Jackie joins the Department as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, with a brief including mental health, adult social care and community care.

Steve Brine MP

Steve joins the Department as a Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, with a brief including public health, primary care, NHS England and major diseases.

Read more about Steve's interests in health and mental health

Lord O’Shaughnessy

James O’Shaughnessy returns to the Department as Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the House of Lords. His brief includes Brexit, medicines and life sciences, NHS Litigation, procurement and data/technology.

Jo Churchill MP

Jo has been appointed Parliamentary Private Secretary to Jeremy Hunt.

Read more about Jo's interests in healthcare and personalised medicine

James Cartlidge MP

James is now Parliamentary Private Secretary for the Ministerial Team at the Department of Health.

Read more

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